Early Staking Pools

Early Staking Pools

Upon token launch 3air will provide a pre-staking application within the 3air app under the staking tab. A Floating APY pool with weekly rewards distributions will be provided.

On September 22nd, right after the token listing, the subscriptions for the preparation period will be opened. The first 1000 addresses that sign up for the staking pool will be whitelisted and granted early access to the Access Point Nodes staking.

Only fully vested tokens can be used for staking. The company cannot participate in any staking pools.

Floating APY pool

3air will start with a continuous staking pool that will be available for an undefined period of time. This is a floating APY pool with set rewards that are distributed equally to all staked tokens.

This pool accepts:

  • 3AIR token
  • Selected LP tokens

Only LP tokens of approved 3air liquidity pools will be accepted into staking. A list of pools with addresses will be published regularly. Each user that provides liquidity in these pools can also stake their LP tokens and receive rewards on their proportional 3AIR part.

Floating APY pool data:

  • Preparation period start: September 22, 2022, 12pm UTC
  • Staking period start: October 22, 2022, ~12pm UTC
  • First pool payout: October 29, 2022, 12pm UTC
  • Staking period end: Continuous
  • Staking cap: 2,500,000 3air per wallet
  • Reward pool: weekly reward pool with growth rate calculated as \frac{10000000\ +\ 2000000x\ -\ 2\left(x\right)^{3}}{1000}
  • Pool rate: floating with the APY rate of pool reward * 5214 / total tokens staked
  • Unstaking period: 2 weeks (during the unstaking period only the next staking reward will be rewarded)
  • Accepted tokens: 3AIR, selected LP tokens

The floating APY pool does not grant a fixed APY on staking but balances the APY rate based on staking supply and demand. The pool grows on a logarithmic scale to match the token circulating supply.

This is the primary 3air staking pool and will be available for easy staking from the claim dashboard, allowing you to claim you vested tokens and stake them in one single transaction.

Floating pool rewards are non-compounding, but the user has the ability to claim weekly rewards and restake them at will up to the maximum amount permitted per wallet.

This staking pool can be discontinued at any point in time. On pool discontinuation, all tokens become immediately claimable. Claiming functionality must be available for a minimum of 24 weeks after pool discontinuation.

At the weekly payout time, a snapshot of the staked tokens is immediately created and is used for next week’s payout. This means that if you enter during the week, you will not get any APY until one week after the next payout.

At snapshot, the amount of 3AIR tokens within the LP tokens is calculated for each user that is staking LP tokens. This amount of 3AIR tokens is used to calculate the reward from the staking pool. Please note that these staking rewards are in addition to the liquidity providing rewards offered by the liquidity pool.

Because of the snapshot functionality and determined to keep everything transparent on chain, there may be smaller delays in weekly payouts, that might go up to a few minutes.

Once a user clicks unstake, the 7-day unstaking period starts and only the first next reward is paid during this time. The tokens in unstaking are not captured in the next snapshot so the tokens will be equally distributed among other staked tokens for future rewards. Once the 7-day period is over, the user needs to claim their tokens.

Staking pool parameters can be adjusted on a 17-day notice. Any future changes of any of the pool parameters need to be in time lock for at least 3 days longer than the current unstaking period. That should give any user staking their tokens enough time to unstake if they do not agree with new parameters.



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